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Most of my posts about simple living are now part of the Simple Living Toolkit email series which you can get by signing up at The free email series kicks off with the 10-Day Decluttering Challenge, which is what is sounds like: an email a day for 10 days, each with one simple task to help you declutter for more joy. After that, you'll get a weekly email advice article from me to help you maintain your joyful minimalist lifestyle.

This new website will help me better serve those of you interested exclusively in minimalism, which has sometimes been a topic here. I list some great free resources on the site, and my books and courses on minimalist living will be available for purchase there as well.

Packing Lust will continue to be a place where I blog on travel, packing lists, minimalism, the writing life, and my personal/family life. However, most of my writing about simple living and minimalism is part of the free email series over at

Questions? Put 'em in the comments and I'll answer them there too.