Food Porn, Ramallah Edition

June 2012 Food Experiences

Some foodie heaven is happening in Ramallah, Palestine. I though you'd enjoy a few photos. We ate these all over the month of June. I'll add a note if the restaurant name isn't apparent in the photo.

I made this at our first abode in Ramallah. I thought I'd sneak this in just because I'm proud of this pizza.


Breakfast egg croissant at Zamn Cafe.

Also from Zamn. I think this is a Lebneh wrap.

Falafel sandwiches. These are actually from Bethlehem. Charming brought them back to the hotel. I was taking a nap, so I don't know where they are from.

Dessert at Tche Tche in Ramallah, June 26, 2012. As a bonus, you can kind of see my new hairstyle.


Religion Evolving


Minimizing Makeup