This blog is devoted to helping you create a simpler, experience-over-stuff lifestyle. Here we embrace minimalist living (sometimes called intentional living or essentialism) so we can focus on what really matters to us as individuals and say no to what doesn't.

Simple Living Toolkit Posts


Simple Living Toolkit is for overwhelmed people who need some support because they have a hard time getting rid of things or saying no to time commitments.

If your stuff (or your schedule) is causing you and your family anxiety, you may be interested in moving (step-by-step) towards simple living.

If you want to lead an intentional life, but right now you feel cluttered, disorganized, overwhelmed, and overspent, this site and the resources shared here can help. You can create a more frugal, minimalist, joyful life that is full of what really matters.

The way we do minimalism around here is about:

  • Traveling light so we can savor the relationships and experiences life has to offer.

  • Surrounding ourselves with only what we find beautiful and useful.

  • Making more time to develop and enjoy our passions

  • Collecting moments, not things.

We keep things pared down so we spend less time:

  • cleaning

  • organizing

  • maintaining

We don't vilify:

  • Shopping, or...

  • Enjoying wonderful material possessions.

We simply know that nothing we buy can bring true joy. We are more than merely consumers. The funny thing is, keeping things simple and keeping priorities clear can allow us to get a little messy and take healthy risks in the areas of life that really matter. As a bonus, we find the simple life saves us money, saves the environment, and generally helps us feel less stressed and more healthy, creative, and free.

About the Founder

Hi, I'm Genevieve Parker Hill. I'm happy you're here.

I created Simple Living Toolkit as a way to offer you the tools you need to declutter for a happier life.

Years ago, my house burned down, and I got an important lesson about what’s important in life (hint - not stuff!). I took some of what I learned from the fire and wrote an Amazon bestselling book called Minimalist Living: Decluttering for Joy, Health, and Creativity. My work has been featured in Elle Canada, Complete Wellbeing Magazine, and Full Home Living Blog, among others.

Now I blog here and welcome posts from guest authors and contributors on my team.

My style of minimalism is all about adding joy and meaning to life by subtracting what’s not working. I know that life can get a little messy when you have relationships, family, and adventures. The point of minimalism isn't to have a perfect house with designer furniture and neatly folded underwear (although I have nothing against neatly folded underwear). The point is to keep the focus on the things that really matter β€” the relationships and experiences that are meaningful as we look back on our lives and what matters to us.